I was invited by the Nairobi National Museum to attend an international food mixer. Basically the event involves food,food and more food from various countries all of which is made with traditional ingredients..so no deep frying,no excess salt ..etc
The Countries that are represented this year include Congo, Cameroon,Mexico, Nigeria, Some Southern African Countries and Kenya. The opening ceremony which I attended featured all these countries and their diplomatic ambassadors and nothing quite completes such an event than live band performances...
Here are some pictures (of the food)..enjoy!
some Kebab(Ke-Baaah-b) from Nigeria |
The green stuff is Guacamole..it made out of avocado and stuff and the other has chicken stuffed inside. Both from Mexico |
Would you believe that is Ugali with cheese and tomato? |
Pop-maize LOL. its made without fat/oil.just a sprinkle of salt and done! |
chapati from Kenya! made with pumpkin and bananas.very delicious! |
Cake made out of Sweet potatoes, maize and wheat. |
Quail eggs. 4 of those are equivalent to one Chicken egg. They are really tiny! |
Ignore the leaf...this is Ugandan food right here! |
ChinChin from Cameroon |
From Nigeria with Love...Jolof Rice, Plantain,Chicken and Salad on my plate. |
The Traditional food event is now open to the public up until 30th October ,2011 at the National Museum. Entrance is free. While there you can drop by the snake park or go check out the artifacts within the main museum.
Cheers to happy adventures!
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