
Friday, March 26, 2010

gareth pugh!OMG!

i have no idea where i've been all along..i mean why haven't i ever heard of gareth pugh before?lawd!if i had died before today i think i would have totally short lived my see the bestest of avant garde fashion ever(after mcqueen of course!).i love this guy's work!where has he been? rather where have i been?

the left one has those victorian ruffs that have made go gaga for the last couple days...i would love to know how to make them! i've been googling around and everything i find is lengthy and complicated but i guess i'll have to learn all  the same.
 the right one is an armoured style dress thingy.
Both looks are from the spring 2009 season.

other looks i liked are below.feel free to think am crazy for liking them:)



  1. Beautiful photos! I found your blog through networked blogs forum, I am now following you through networked and google follow. I am interested in anything artistic, and I love the photos you are posting. Please visit my blog.

  2. Those are amazing. I had never heard of Garth Pugh either but am glad I have. Did you ever see the movie "Pans Labyrinth"? Some of the more fantasy inspired designs remind me of costuming from that movie. Keep up the good work. Love the bog!

  3. thank i haven't seen Pans Labyrinth yet..actually never heard of it before but i'll be sure to check it design?i did not know that.
